Upper eyelid surgery

Busy lifestyles, fatigue, and working nights all contribute to a loss of skin elasticity and drooping eyelids. Droopy eyelids not only make the face look tired and puffy but also much older. Eyelid surgery is the removal of excess skin or fat bags from the upper or lower eyelids, which can be operated on together or separately. The condition of the forehead and eyebrows should also be taken into account during this procedure: if they are sagging, this also affects the sagging of the eyelids. In this case, the eyebrows and forehead need to be lifted for eyelid surgery. This surgery restores a youthful and invigorated look to the face.

How is the upper eyelid surgery performed?

Eyelid surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia and usually takes about 1 hour.

The upper eyelids are operated on by removing excess skin and making incisions in the natural folds so that the post-operative scars remain virtually unnoticeable. The operation can also remove the fat sacs.

The lower eyelids can be operated on either to remove the fat bags or to redistribute the fat. The incision is usually made in the conjunctiva – the inner surface of the eyelid. No incision is made on the outside of the eyelid during such surgery.

If the lower eyelids have not only fatty deposits but also a lot of excess skin, the incision has to be made under the lower eyelashes, and then some of the excess skin is removed.

Caring for yourself after upper eyelid surgery.

  • It’s a one-day procedure, so if you don’t need to see people face-to-face, you can go back to work the next day.
  • Swelling after surgery can make it difficult to close your eyes, leading to dry eyes. Artificial tears or lubricants solve this problem.
  • The threads are removed after 5-7 days.
  • After two weeks, the scars are starting to fade. Bruising usually disappears within a few weeks, while swelling may take a little longer.
  • The cosmetic effect of eyelid surgery can last from a few to several years.

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Č. Sasnausko g. 19, Kaunas

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    • UAB “Medicinos grupės įranga”
    • Company code: 305689488
    • Č. Sasnausko g. 19, Kaunas
    • info@drsklinika.lt
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