Hyaluronic acid injections

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the human body found in connective tissue. It is abundant in joint fluid, blood vessel walls, skin, and other organs. On average, around 25-30 years of age, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in the human body slows down, causing the skin to lose elasticity and fine lines to appear. Hyaluronic acid is produced by fibroblasts. These connective tissue cells are responsible not only for the production of hyaluronan but also for the production of collagen, elastin fibers, glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans. Hyaluronic acid’s main property is to bind and hold water. As we get older, our body produces less and less fibroblasts, hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, and wrinkles start to form or deepen.

When injected into the skin along the wrinkles, hyaluronic acid fills them from the inside. Injected into the cheekbones, it gives them shape by changing the contour of the face. Injected into the lips, it restores the contour of the lips and gives them natural plumpness.

The injections result in smoother skin, preserving the natural facial expression.

How is the wrinkle correction procedure with hyaluronic acid injections performed?

Depending on the type or localization of the wrinkle, hyaluronic acid of different strengths may be allowed. A fine needle is used to inject a hyaluronic acid preparation. For more sensitive areas, additional local pain relief is applied by applying a painkilling cream.

What do I need to know after a wrinkle correction procedure with hyaluronic acid injections?

  • The area where the injection was given may be slightly swollen for a few days.
  • The effect is visible immediately after the procedure and the final result is visible after 10 days.
  • For a long-lasting result, the procedure should be repeated after 6-12 months.
  • Laser skin treatments should be avoided for the first few weeks after the procedure.

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Č. Sasnausko g. 19, Kaunas

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    • UAB “Medicinos grupės įranga”
    • Company code: 305689488
    • Č. Sasnausko g. 19, Kaunas
    • info@drsklinika.lt
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